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How to Get Your API Key and API Secret Key

Last updated on Mar 8th, 2024 | 3 min

To connect your website to NitroPack, you need to create an account and add your site first. 

If you've already done that, log into your NitroPack app and go to Cache Settings >> General:

Navigate to General settings

Then, from the tabs, select API keys:

API Keys

On the next screen, you will see your API key and API secret key, as well as an option to copy them:

API Keys NitroPack

If you're managing multiple websites, make sure you're logged in to the correct one before going to the API keys menu. You can switch between websites from the drop-down menu at the top left corner:

View all websites

For more information on how to connect your website, please follow the instructions in our Knowledge Base articles:

Ivailo Hristov

Passionate about all things performance optimizations, Ivailo is the driving force behind our product and core NitroPack features.